
Alexander Woyte
and the Goblins

Where do you go to find a missing goblin?

.. goblinsearch - click to see home page

home page of the book
by Zsolt Kerekes
Alexander Woyte and the Goblins - the goblinsearch begins
"Not just for kids. I first read this about 20 years ago and it still makes me laugh. All too short and I look forward to the next one." - Amazon customer review Feb 2023

"It is a lovely story with wonderful illustrations... At first sight it might seem a little frightening, although we are talking goblins here, but do not fear - there is a very good twist. To be recommended!" - Amazon customer review April 2023
as paperback? - available at Amazon
as ebook? - available everywhere below
Amazon UK/ US Apple Books Google Play (audiobook) hoopla
audiobook cover - Princess Laura and the Unsuitable Dragon Suitors - by Zsolt Kerekesnew audiobook

Alexander Woyte and the Goblins

news: September 15, 2024 - Google Play Books today published an AI narrated audiobook version of the bedtime story for kids Alexander Woyte and the Goblins written by Zsolt Kerekes who has published 4 books for children. Running time is 30 min approx (UK price £0.30)

Click here to hear the first 3 minutes free

"Although in the last 24 years Alexander Woyte and the Goblins has become best known as a picture book, because of the wonderful graphics which accompanied its original publication online in 2001, the first time I shared it was the year before in 2000 as audio, when I read it aloud to the family who feature as characters in it," said the author Zsolt Kerekes.

"My own voice is croaky nowadays, so I used Google's AI narrator Archie to speak it. The most popular format for readers since I published it as a proper book last year is paperback. It's also available as an ebook. For a list of where you can buy or borrow these other editions please see the links on the Alex+Goblins page on my author site goblinsearch.com"
Alexander Woyte and the Pirates (and Goblins) - children's novel

there's a sequel too - 180+ pages of swashbuckling comedy adventure

Alexander Woyte and the Pirates (and Goblins)

Alexander Woyte and the Goblins

news:- Feb 23, 2023 - ebook editions now available.
Anno Domini 2000...

It's modern times
(as modern as they ever get) in the pointy churched sleepy village of Privett in Hampshire, Olde England. No one believes in goblins any more.

That doesn't stop them causing mischief!

Once every 70 years the goblin king who lives under the Old Bookshop in Petersfield sends out scouts to find a replacement human puppy to kidnap. Ideally a fair haired boy aged 4. Alexander looks like the perfect candidate. His life hasn't been the same since.

Alexander Woyte and the Goblins - first published here on goblinsearch in 2001 is now available as a phone friendly ebook. ...click here for details
click to see kindle edition blurb
read it on Hoopla - Alexander Woyte and the Goblins
news:- July 11, 2023 - my children's bedtime story book Alexander Woyte and the Goblins (set in modern day Jane Austen country in Hampshire) is now available on Hoopla - which - if you don't know it - is a digital library content infrastructure services company. ...click here to see my book on Hoopla

Re libraries

Like many kids of my generation (starting school in the 1960s) I was a frequent visitor to my local library - which was located in Hangleton, Hove, Sussex, England. I tweeted about that experience recently to say thanks.

When I began earning enough money to buy my own books and was moving around every couple of years to progress my career I dropped the library habit. Another reason being that often I was paying fines for late return of physical books which were about the same as the cost of buying the books themselves.

In the nascent ebook era - kindle became my primary bookstore for about 10 years and kindle unlimited (KU) sufficed as a kind of surrogate library.

I grew weary of KU after a number of years however. Because whatever search criteria I used Amazon seemed fixated on offering me books I wasn't interested in.

In practise this meant I often had to scroll through 200 to 300 titles to narrow down a couple of samples that l felt tempted to follow up. A bit like Netflix - more time searching for content than actually enjoying it.

What I didn't realise then - was that the fault lay in KU's algorithms and not in the rich treasure trove of self published books. But I lost faith in what KU had to offer.

During the first Covid lockdowns I learned that my tax funded local library services supported an ebook app called Libby. And that - for me - replaced KU. Although I still do buy ebooks on kindle and (rarely) buy print books from secondhand book stores.

As to Libby - 3 of my books are available here on Libby - but whether you can borrow them depends on choices made by your own local library and its budget priorities.

This long preamble explains why I'm delighted now to offer my books to another (new to me) library service. And whether you want to read my books or not - if you're an avid reader - then please take a look at what they have to offer.

See also:- Hoopla's blog page

about Hoopla (in their own words)

Hoopla digital is a category-creating service that partners with Public Libraries across North America, Australia, and New Zealand to provide online and mobile access to thousands of movies, TV shows, music albums, eBooks, audiobooks, and comics. With hoopla digital, patrons can borrow, instantly stream, and download dynamic content with a valid Library card. All content is accessible via hoopla digital's mobile app and online at hoopladigital.com

Want to see more info about my book? (here on my web site goblinsearch) click here to see the previous (slightly messy) version of this page
Jamie and the Tree Troll - children's novel Princess Laura and the Unsuitable Dragon Suitors - children's novel Alexander Woyte and the Goblins - children's picture book Alexander Woyte and the Pirates (and Goblins) - children's novel

shown above - my 4 books for kids
click to visit the home page of goblinsearch
HMS Warrior at Portsmouth with Pirates and Goblins books HMS Victory and the book Alexander Woyte and the Pirates - photo at Portsmouth Dockyard November 2023 I see no goblins - said Admiral Nelson
In November 2023 I returned to the Historic Dockyard at Portsmouth - which is the setting of several scenes in my novel - Alexander Woyte and the Pirates (and Goblins) - the sequel to Alexander Woyte and the Goblins .

I had been hoping to get a picture of my book with the majestic backdrop of HMS Victory - which was the main attraction in the dockyard during my earlier visits in 2000 when I was writing these stories.

Alas - the Victory was wrapped up in a tent to protect it during restoration. So although I did get a photo of it on this visit - only the stern was open to view from the outside.
HMS Victory and the book Alexander Woyte and the Pirates - photo at Portsmouth Dockyard November 2023
Undaunted despite the typical Novembery weather I spent several enjoyable hours walking inside the labrynth of the Victory, and chatting with the many knowledgeable human guides.

I curious about the sealing technology used to restore the gaps between the planks on the top deck. What's that? - I asked. Oakum - a mix of tar and shreds of rope. Very clever.. My particular interest being that the week before this visit I had been on my hands and knees filling less wide gaps between the planks of a mid 19th century built railway carriage. But that's another story.

Mind your head!

If you've seen the movie Napoleon - which I watched at the Depot cinema in Lewes after my Portsmouth trip - and fast forward in your mind to the scene towards the end - when Napoleon is a feted prisoner on a British ship regaling young sailors with stories of his exploits - that setting is unmistakenly the Admiral's dining room of HMS Victory. (In the film it was described as HMS Bellerophon.) The checkered floor in that film scene is painted canvass - a precursor to linoleum. Thanks to another guide on Victory who answered my question about that.

So what to do about a photo of my Pirates book with the backdrop of an old ship?

I solved that problem with a shot of HMS Warrior below.

So although Warrior is a different period from the time when my pirates set out from Portsmouth - it was definitely there in the historic dockyard when they sailed back in in 2001.

As to the pirate ship you see on the cover? I think that's being restored too. And with so many ships and little boats from the past few hundred years scattered about in various places you can see why - in my story - people mistook it for another exhibit.
HMS Warrior at Portsmouth with Pirates and Goblins books

HMS Warrior and a book
And on the way to lunch in one of the many homely establishments scattered throughout the dockyard I wondered what the famous man himself would have said - had he (Admiral Nelson) survived another 200 plus years to enjoy the view of the commemorative statue located near the entrance.

I went up close and whispered my tale - of a pirate ship, sailed out of Pompey before he was born, frozen in an iceberg, but recently melted, and now returning to its original home (which had since become a museum) with its original thieving crew augmented by goblins (whose ilk he might well have known) and a modern day boy (prentice pirate) and a passenger (his mum), and its arrival causing no fuss whatsoever as it had been mistaken for a replica or a new exhibit.

I held up my book to his blind eye so he could read the blurb on the back.

"And what say you Admiral?" - I asked.

"I see no goblins."
I see no goblins - said Admiral Nelson